Geyser Repair

5 Signals That Your Geyser Needs a Repair

Huh!!! You Really Want To Know If Your Geyser Needs a Repair? So Let’s Get Started…


A well-functioning geyser is an essential appliance in any household, especially if you live in a place with cold winters. It’s the unsung hero that provides us with warm water for our daily showers, dishwashing, and various cleaning tasks. But have you ever stopped to think about how crucial your geyser is?

Imagine a chilly winter morning without a hot shower or a pile of dirty dishes that you can’t wash properly. These are just a couple of examples that highlight the significance of a functioning geyser. Here are the five key signals to look out for, which will help you ensure your geyser stays in top shape:

Signal 1: Lukewarm Water


Inconsistent Water Temperature – A Red Flag for Geyser Issues


How to Check Water Temperature:

  • Turn on the hot water tap, measure the time it takes to get hot and note the temperature.

Potential Issues:

  • Sediment buildup, faulty thermostat, heating element problems, or water pressure fluctuations can cause inconsistent water temperature.

Inconsistent water temperature is your geyser’s way of saying it needs attention. By identifying and addressing these issues promptly, you can maintain a reliable hot water supply.


Signal 2 – Strange Noises


Unusual Sounds – Is Your Geyser Trying to Tell You Something?


Your geyser might not speak, but it can make its presence known through unusual sounds. Let’s explore these sounds and what they could mean:

  • Hissing or Sizzling: This sound could indicate a buildup of sediment on the heating element. It reduces the efficiency of the heater.
  • Banging or Popping: Such noises are often due to rapid temperature changes in the geyser. This can lead to the expansion and contraction of metal parts.

Possible Solutions:

  • For hissing sounds, consider draining and flushing your geyser to remove sediment.
  • If you hear banging, you might need to adjust the thermostat to a lower temperature.


Signal 3 – Leaks and Drips


Why Leaks Are a Serious Sign of Geyser Trouble

Leaking water from your geyser is not to be taken lightly. Here’s why:

  • Structural Damage: Leaks can damage your home’s structure, leading to costly repairs.
  • Inefficiency: A leaking geyser is often an inefficient one, wasting both water and energy.

Spotting and Addressing Leaks:

  • Inspect the area around your geyser regularly for signs of water.
  • If you find a leak, turn off the power and water supply, and call a professional immediately.

Importance of Immediate Action:

Don’t procrastinate when it comes to geyser leaks. Timely repairs can prevent costly damage and ensure your geyser’s longevity.

Signal 4 – Low Water Pressure


How Low Water Pressure Can Be Linked to a Geyser Problem

Low water pressure can be an indication of geyser issues. Here’s how it’s connected:

  • Blockages: Clogged pipes or geyser inlets can restrict water flow, leading to low pressure.
  • Leaks: Geyser leaks can also reduce pressure in your water supply.

Easy Tests to Check Water Pressure:

  • Fill a container of known volume and time how long it takes to fill. A slower fill indicates low pressure.

Common Reasons for Low Pressure:

  • Check for any visible blockages in your pipes.
  • If the issue persists, it’s advisable to consult a professional to inspect your geyser and plumbing.


Signal 5 – Frequent Tripping (Immidiate Geyser Repair)


The Inconvenience of a Frequently Tripping Geyser

A geyser that frequently trips the circuit breaker can be frustrating. Here’s why it’s a problem:

  • Inefficient Heating: Frequent tripping may indicate an issue with the thermostat or heating element, causing the geyser to overwork.
  • Potential Damage: Constant on-and-off cycles can lead to wear and tear on your geyser.

Insights into Possible Causes:

  • A malfunctioning thermostat or damaged heating element may be the culprit.

Steps to Resolve this Issue:

  • Consult a professional to diagnose the problem and replace any faulty components. Regular maintenance can prevent this issue in the future.

These signals may seem minor, but they ensure your geyser’s long life and optimal performance. By addressing these issues promptly, you’ll have a reliable source of hot water in your home.


If any of these issues occur with your geyser you should contact a Geyser repairing service


Geyser Repair



Looking For Geyser Repair Service in Kolkata? Call Now: 70440-30300 / 070441 14444



Why Immidate Geyser Repair Is The Key?


When it comes to the well-being of your geyser and the convenience it provides, swift action in the face of issues is paramount. Immediate geyser repair can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major, costly breakdown. Let’s delve into why addressing geyser problems promptly is essential:


1. Preventing Escalation of Problems:


Delays in addressing geyser issues often lead to their escalation. What may start as a minor inconvenience can quickly turn into a major problem if left unattended? For instance, a small leak, if not fixed promptly, can gradually deteriorate the geyser’s structure and cause significant damage to your home. By addressing geyser problems immediately, you not only save money on potentially costly repairs but also ensure your safety and comfort in the long run.


2. Energy and Cost Efficiency:


Geyser issues like sediment buildup, thermostat malfunctions, or leaks can make your appliance less energy-efficient. This inefficiency not only results in higher energy bills but also increases the wear and tear on the geyser. Prompt repairs can restore its efficiency, reducing your long-term energy costs and extending the geyser’s lifespan.


3. Maintaining a Steady Hot Water Supply:


A geyser is a vital source of hot water, especially during colder months. Ignoring problems can lead to disruptions in your hot water supply, affecting your daily routines and comfort. Immediate repairs ensure a consistent and reliable hot water supply, preventing inconveniences.


4. Avoiding Health and Safety Risks:


Some geyser issues, like leaking, can pose health and safety risks. Water leakage near electrical components can lead to electrical hazards, and if left unchecked, mold growth may occur, impacting indoor air quality. Timely repairs address these safety concerns and keep your home and family protected.


Looking For A Geyser Repair Service In Kolkata?


Here is your one-stop solution…

Cyborg Services

Address: 801 A, Block A Lake Town (Landmark Gopalji Mandir), Kolkata, West Bengal 700089

Phone: 033-2521-5551 , 033-2521-5552

Mobile: 70440-30300 / 070441 14444
